There is $20,000 in matching dollars available to us in the next two months. All we need to do to be eligible for that money is to raise $20,000 on our own first.
That’s where you come in.
Donations to The Frontier in November and December will be matched thanks to NewsMatch, a program that helps nonprofit journalism outlets like us raise money so we can continue to grow and do the type of reporting Oklahomans have come to count on.
At The Frontier we try to focus on important journalism above all else. This means not having advertising or intrusive autoplay ads, something we hope provides a better experience for our readers. That also means that the only money we raise during the year comes from donors who support our mission.
Last year NewsMatch helped 154 newsrooms like The Frontier raise $7.6 million from individual donors and a coalition of foundations and companies, making it the largest-ever grassroots fundraising campaign to support local news.
Want to support us as we head to 2020 and beyond? Donate today. For The Frontier to continue to grow and remain sustainable we’ll need continued support from our loyal readers.